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Pest Control

Pests are organisms that damage or interfere with crops, forests, gardens, homes, or other property. Monitoring and correct identification of pests allow you to develop a control strategy that will reduce their numbers or damages to an acceptable level.

Natural forces affect all organisms, causing populations to rise and fall. Methods to alter the environment – such as traps, barriers, and changes in food or water – are called mechanical and physical controls. Contact Pest Control Vancouver BC now!

Pests are organisms that damage or disrupt natural ecosystems or human society by stealing resources, posing a health threat, or competing with people for food and shelter. There are many ways to manage pests, including physical controls, biological control agents, cultural practices and chemical products. Integrated pest management, or IPM, is a comprehensive approach to managing pests that takes into account all of these tools and applies them in an environmentally sound manner.

Prevention is the goal of IPM, and it involves eliminating conditions that encourage pests to exist. This includes removing or blocking access points into buildings, homes and businesses. For example, pests often gain entry to homes through the tiny cracks and gaps around doors and windows. Sealing these gaps with caulking can help prevent pests from entering. It is also important to eliminate all sources of water, both inside and outside buildings, as pests are attracted to puddles and standing water. This can be done by fixing leaking faucets and keeping garbage cans tightly closed. It is also helpful to keep grass and weeds cut back from the foundation of structures, as well as removing wood piles and other debris that can provide hiding places for rodents and other pests.

Some pests are a continuous problem and require regular control, while others are sporadic or migratory and only need to be controlled periodically or intermittently. Knowing a pest’s life cycle and what environmental conditions favor it can help determine when and how much control is needed.

Pesticides should only be used when it is necessary and should be applied in a way that minimizes risks to people, beneficial insects, the environment and pets. Only use pesticides that are labeled for the specific pest, and always follow product directions exactly. Never apply more than the amount recommended on the product label, and be sure to store and dispose of pesticides in accordance with label guidelines. Also, never buy or sell pesticides to anyone without a state license to do so. Doing so can expose unlicensed individuals to dangerous chemicals and increase the likelihood of health effects, which can range from mild to deadly.


Pests that damage plants or human property or pose a health risk should be controlled. This can be done with cultural methods such as planting a non-host plant species, or biological control agents like natural enemies. When these methods fail, chemical controls are necessary, but the least toxic method should be used first. This means that prevention, inspection, identification and monitoring are key to effective pest management.

The best way to spot pests is to look for the evidence they leave behind. This includes examining the type and quantity of damage to plants or crops. It is also a good idea to note the timing of the damage, since this can indicate what kind of pest is at fault.

Other signs of infestation include droppings, odors, and nesting materials. The appearance of pest droppings can be a dead giveaway of the kind of pest that is invading, as they all have distinctive looks. For example, rodent droppings are small and pellet-shaped, while cockroach droppings are more coffee grounds-like. Odors can be an indicator of a problem as well, as some pests emit unpleasant and overpowering scents that are easy to detect.

Some pests can enter a structure through tiny openings, so it’s important to inspect all entry points into a home or office. This may mean repairing cracks in walls and sealing gaps around pipes and wires. In addition, regular decluttering sessions and avoiding the storage of unneeded items can help eliminate possible hiding spots for pests. Maintaining a dry environment is also important, as many pests seek out moisture and can easily infest homes that are humid or damp.

Listening for scurrying, squeaking, or scratching sounds can also be an early warning of pest intrusion. These sounds tend to be most noticeable at night, when pests are usually active. If you hear these noises, it’s a good idea to call for a pest inspection as soon as possible.


When preventive and nonchemical methods are not enough to control a pest problem, it may be necessary to use chemical products. The goal of IPM is to reduce the need for chemicals through careful monitoring and by learning about the life cycle, biology, and behavior of the pest you are trying to control. When pesticides are used, they are carefully selected and applied to minimize risk to people, pets, plants, and the environment.

Generally, pesticides should be the last resort when other management strategies have been tried and failed. They are designed to kill or suppress pests, not to harm the beneficial insects and organisms that share our ecosystems with them. Before you choose and apply any type of pesticide, be sure you have a thorough understanding of the pest’s life cycle and behavior and that the product you select is specific to your insect or rodent problem. It is also important to use the minimum amount of pesticide required to get the job done.

If you do decide to use pesticides, always follow the label instructions and warnings. And, when possible, choose less toxic alternatives such as baits or traps. If you must use a spray, be sure to target the area where the pests are living or hiding and avoid areas that will come into contact with people or pets.

Clutter provides places for pests to breed and hide, so clear away piles of debris or trash that can provide hiding spots. Caulk cracks and crevices where pests might enter and use steel wool to fill holes around pipes. Replace open trash containers with closed ones, and remove any food scraps from outdoor bins regularly. Thoroughly clean kitchen benches and utensils before using them, and wipe down surfaces with soap and water as needed.

Remember, pests can spread dangerous bacteria, fungi and viruses that can make people sick. Getting rid of pests helps keep our families, ourselves and our neighbors healthy.


The goal of pest control is to keep the pest population below the threshold that causes damage. This is usually accomplished by a combination of prevention, detection, and treatment. Eradication is a rare goal in outdoor pest situations, but it can be successful in enclosed areas such as homes, schools, and office buildings. Examples of eradication programs include Mediterranean fruit fly and gypsy moth control.

Some pests like rodents and cockroaches can enter your home or garden through cracks, crevices, or holes. To avoid this, inspect your house and garden regularly for any possible entry points that need to be closed off. Check for gaps in the foundation, missing roof shingles, loose siding, cracks around electrical channels, and unnecessary spaces around pipe lines. Seal any gaps with coarse steel wool, mortar, sheet metal, or copper mesh. Also, remove any unnecessary debris such as leaf litter or wood piles from your yard to make it less attractive to pests.

Pesticides are used to kill unwanted organisms, but a good pest control program must consider the impact of the chemicals on the environment as well as the health of people living and working in the area. This is why the BPCA strongly supports integrated pest management (IPM) strategies.

IPM involves using a variety of techniques to reduce the need for chemical controls, including biological, cultural, physical, and mechanical methods. Biological control uses predators, parasites, or pathogens to eliminate the target pest. Cultural controls reduce the conditions that lead to pest infestations, such as changing irrigation practices or reducing plant density. Chemical controls use pesticides only when necessary, and always in the smallest amount possible.

A pest that isn’t controlled will recur, and the cycle starts again. Therefore, IPM is an ongoing process of monitoring and improving conditions that reduce the need for pesticides.

Whenever possible, try natural pest control methods first. These are often safer for the environment, humans, and pets. For example, the nematode Steinernema carpocapsae is helpful in eliminating many pests such as fleas, grubs, ants, and cockroaches, without the need for poisons. This method works by spraying the soil with millions of these microscopic worms that prey on insects.


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